Overview of games of chance

Since there are many types of games of chance. There is differentiation according to various characteristics that somehow influence gambling.

Gambling is a generic term for a whole range of games.


In general, any entertainment for money can be broken down into

Games of chance. All entertainment where the outcome depends entirely on the case and not on the skills of the player or the artificial intelligence devices. For example, roulette, blackjack, baccarat such as judi online, lottery, keno, roulette, sports betting, etc.

Renowned games. On the contrary, this group includes games in which victory depends solely on the skills of the player. The most popular variations of such games are chess, intellectual quizzes, and similar entertainment.

Commercial games. In such conversations, there is a balance between luck and skill of the players. This means that the result is influenced equally by chance and the skills of the player. For example lotteries, bridge, sheep’s head, online slot machines for money.

According to the number of players, games can be divided into collective and individual. You can also consider physical activity, e.g. active or quiet games. Again, you can add anything to this classification, starting with the location of the game and ending with the type of objects used in the process, such as cards, chips, dice, and other items.

The system in gambling or entertainment

Despite the fact that all the existing games are divided into many classes, the system is still not perfect. There is still no universal classification and so many players can come up with the system themselves and add one type of game or improve on an existing one. Even so, even primitive classification systems help narrow down the scope of the search for a game that suits your interest. This helps a lot in situations where a person wants to try something new but can’t find anything specific. Then she can use the standard classification and use her criteria to find something that is worthwhile for her.

When it comes to gambling or entertainment where you can win something, not only is it worth dividing yourself into classes, but also studying the terminology. It helps a lot in understanding the game and communicating with other participants.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic terminology, it is easy to choose an interesting game for yourself and get involved.
